Soaring to the Future!
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Hill PTA

PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. PTA is comprised of millions of parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents, and other caring adults who share a commitment to improving the education, health, and safety of all children. We speak with one voice for every child. -Mission Statement & Values – About PTA | National PTA

Here at Hill our PTA works with teachers and staff to enhance and enrich our student’s learning experience. We offer many opportunities to get involved such as: Room parent for class parties, Hillfest volunteers, field trips, outdoor classroom assistance and much more.

So, we invite and encourage you to check us out on Facebook or PTBoard to learn more about all the events going on at Ruth Hill Elementary.

Annual dues for families or individuals are $8.00.

Why become a member? Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Find out more about your child’s teacher including birthdays, favorites and more.
  • What events are upcoming at Hill!
  • Want to find out who is in your child’s class or want to invite them to a party? Student Directory is located here.
  • Interested in volunteering in your child’s classroom? Find the application here.

New to Hill or did not get your child registered last year?
Follow these steps below to access to all things PTA:

  • Visit our website at: PTBoard – Ruth Hill Elementary School PTA
  • In the top right-hand corner, you will see a place to sign up (our school code is XMTGN7)
  • Once signed up, go to the upper left-hand corner, and click on My Student, then add my student. Please enter your student’s info here.

Please note, you have the option to not have your child included in the student directory. Please unclick the blue check to opt out.